Planning a Wedding? Here’s Why You Should Get Your Guests to the Venue with DoubleUP Tours Party Bus!
Our buses can hold a vast range of people, with our Double Trouble – Double Decker Party Bus holding up to 65 people! You can be certain your mob will arrive at the venue both on time and in style! No pesky stressful phone calls trying to track everyone down, parking issues or accidents to ruin your special day.
Less stress, hassle free!
Worried your guests are gonna enjoy themselves a bit too much? Might get lost on the way or get there hours early to ensure they get a parking spot and ruin your vibe. Eliminate the hassle completely by booking with DoubleUP Tours Party Buses, no worrying about having to come back and get your car the next day (let’s be real who doesn’t enjoy a cocktail too many) simply hop on board and enjoy the ride!
Everyone arrives on time!
We all have that one friend who takes “fashionably late” to the next level… No one wants their day ruined waiting around for “that” maid of honour, bridesmaid etc. DoubleUP is here to get everyone there on time, every time. No one has to be designated driver again and your mother in law won’t get lost with those “hazy” directions!
You can focus on you and your day!
DoubleUP Tours Party Bus put the U back in your day! Simply contact DoubleUP for your wedding and we will organise all your transport needs for you! Giving U more time and effort to put into the rest of the wedding planning!
See you on the road!
The crew at DoubleUP xx